KPSC Recruitment 2024: The Kerala Public Service Commission (KPSC) has divided a sufficient number of vacancies amongst its zones and is inviting applications from eligible candidates for the post of Assistant Engineer. The committee is employing eligible candidates for the Kerala Water Authority. The board will pay a salary of Rupees 53900 to 118100 for applicants who applied for KPSC Recruitment 2024. For the opportunity mentioned, there are 04 unoccupied seats available. The age criteria of the applicants applying for the KPSC should be 18 to 50 years to be eligible for the opportunity as mentioned above.

Candidates applying for the position mentioned above must possess a B. Tech. Degree in Civil/ Mechanical/ Chemical Engineering or the equivalent from a UGC-recognized university or national Institute set up by the Central Government or an Institution set up in the State of Kerala.

The KPSC Recruitment 2024 is the hiring procedure for the Kerala Water Authority and is a probationary appointment among the candidates. Confirmations for the exam through Time Registration profiles are required if a written, OMR or Online Test is conducted. All the tensed-up individuals have to fill up their form through the official website of KPSC before applying for that post. Candidates are requested to take a printout of the filled-in online application for their use. The recruitment process is subject to the Kerala Water Authority. Special Rules shall apply.

Post Name and Vacancies for KPSC Recruitment 2024:

The opportunity is opened for the post of Assistant Engineer. There are 04 vacancies (01 anticipated vacancy) available for KPSC Recruitment 2024.

Age Limit for KPSC Recruitment 2024:

The minimum age for seeking KPSC Recruitment is 18 years and the maximum age limit for applying for the position listed above is 50 years.

KPSC Recruitment 2024

Qualification Required for KPSC Recruitment 2024:

According to the KPSC Recruitment official notification, the candidates need to possess the following educational qualifications:

The candidates should have

  • Possessing a B.Tech. Program in the stream either of Civil/ Mechanical/ Chemical Engineering or its equivalent from UGC-recognized universities/national institutes set up by the central government or institutions established by the Government of Kerala.
  • They should go through Sections A and B of the Associate Membership Examination of the Institution of Engineers (India) in Civil/Mechanical Engineering with at least eight years of lower-grade service in any of the categories under Kerala Water Authority Technical Special Rules, 2023 or Kerala Water Authority (Administrative, Ministerial and Last Grade) Service Rules 2011. [G. O. (P) No. 1/ 2023/ WRD dated 27.01.2023.]

Tenure for KPSC Recruitment 2024:

The appointment on Probation will be conducted under this system. The particular Probation period is as specified under the Special Rules of the Kerala Water Authority.

Salary for KPSC Recruitment 2024:

With reference to the official announcement of KPSC Recruitment. The chosen candidates will be compensated with a sum of Rs.53900 to 118100 per month.

Method of Appointment for KPSC Recruitment 2024:

According to the official notification of KPSC Recruitment, the methods of appointment are as follows –

Through Direct Recruitment from Water Authority in-Service Qualified Personnel who are at present employed within the purview of KWA.

Selection Procedure for KPSC Recruitment 2024:

The recruitment board will select suitable candidates through a Written Test/ OMR/ Online Test organized by the committee as per the official KPSC Recruitment.

How to Apply for KPSC Recruitment 2024:

As per the official notification of KPSC Recruitment 2024. It is worth noting that eligible and interested applicants can access the KPSC official portal and complete the application processes by submitting all the necessary information and documents.

  • Candidates can be considered only when they’ve completed the registration on ONE TIME REGISTRATION at the official website of Kerala Public Service Commission before seeking the position.
  • Once candidates have completed the registration. It is possible to go ahead by entering UserID and Password to access their profile.
  • The candidate must apply for a post by clicking the ‘Apply Now’ button against the respective posts in the Notification Link.
  • The candidates shall not submit the application profile without ensuring the correctness of all the information in the application profile.
  • They must mention the user’s ID for proceeding further with The Commission correspondence.
  • Candidates are advised to take the assistance of a computer to type the details of the application. When they log out from the system, there will be no record of the application.
  • The candidates shall take the printout of the application which is there on their profile by clicking the button ‘My applications.’
  • Such correspondence should be done together with a copy of the application that was sent out to the commission.

The deadline for submitting the applications is on 30.10.2024 (Wednesday) and the applications are accepted until midnight.


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